Saturday, December 13, 2008

What a schamozzle.

Tonight was Kendel's company holiday party and for the first time ever, my parents were unable to watch the boys because they also had Saturday night plans. Since they were unavailable, this meant we needed a babysitter. Yes, a babysitter. A first for both Kynton and Keagan.

Thankfully, Ashley, the daughter of a co-worker was available and the boys were so excited. Kynton began asking on Friday when she would be coming over. It felt like he continued to ask every ten minutes on Saturday when she would arrive. The time finally arrives, she arrives and the boys have a complete melt down. Not screaming and crying, but an insane amount of showing off. Kynton doing tumbling and talking back, Keagan trying to wrestle her and jumping on the furniture -- who are these kids?

I feel like it is safe to leave and we depart, but I remind Ashley once last time to call me if anything goes awry.

We're at the party for no less than 2 minutes and the phone rings. I can hear Keagan practically hyperventilating in the background. Kynton isn't helping the situation either as he too is saying "I miss my mommy!". The two are egging eachother on. And poor, poor Ashley. She is extremely apologetic she even called.

Since we're in Portland, Oma comes to the rescue. Sneaking out of her gig, she rushes home, calms Kynton and brings Keagan back to the party. As soon as Keagan sees Opa, he cuddles with him and stays in his lap, thankful to be in his presence, and sits through the rest of their evening activities. And Kynton, well, he was just fine.

The crazy thing is that when my parents return home with Keagan, both boys flock to Ashley. Showing her their things, playing around her, never leaving her side. Why couldn't they have been that way from 6:00 - 8:30 pm?

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