Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Are the holidays over yet?

Oh my gosh, talk about the most exhausting holiday season EVER. Why did we ever think it was manageable to have two children the week between Christmas and New Years Eve? And will it ever get easier? I can only hope both boys decide its a good idea to celebrate their actual birthday with family and execute a bash with friends on their "un-birthday" some day in the summer...one in June, maybe one in July? Anything but one on the 28th and one on the 30th of December. I honestly don't think I can do it again.

Kynton is now four years old. I can hardly believe it. Today, we went to IKEA and for the first time, we wrote "4" for his age on the application to go into the children's play area. Four years old. Wow. I know it isn't a milestone age or anything remarkable, but for me, it is just so hard to fathom that my little boy is only one year away from Kindergarten. Six years from being a double digit age. Twelve years from a drivers license. Everyone told me to enjoy these years while they are here as they go by so fast. I'm finally beginning to realize this is the truth. The last four years have gone by so fast and one of my new year's resolutions is to take more time to slow down, breathe and enjoy the moment. I have to start taking better notes of the funny, smart and even sarcastic things Kynton says. Capture better documentation of the memorable moments, the amazing tricks, the sweet times between two brothers. I promise to do this. Not only for myself, but also for my little boys who are growing up so fast.

And since Kynton is four, that means our baby is now one. His first year was a whirlwind and we were reminded today that at this time last year we weren't sure what his future would hold. As we packed up to leave the hospital, thankful our little boy had finally arrived, we were surprised to learn Keagan would not be coming home with us. Instead, he spent the next couple of days in the NICU. Surrounded by glass, wires attached to every part of his body, on display for everyone to see. I could only hold him for a few minutes and attempted to bond with him through my tears and all the medical barriers. I can't believe those moments of stress and fatigue were a year ago - it seems like only yesterday. Now he is a toddler. Walking for almost two months, trying to eat with a fork, wrestling already with his older brother. If only he could sleep through the night! One can hardly call Keagan a baby. So sad. But at the same time, so much fun. Every day that passes reminds me more and more of how I love this age of constant change, growth and learning.

I love these boys. I love my husband. And as we enter into another year, although I'm thankful this crazy, chaotic season is over, I'm also reminded how blessed we are. I have two beautiful children who are for the most part perfect in my eyes. I have a great husband who is striving daily to be a better person, husband and father. I have two wonderful parents who are always there for me - regardless of the request. A brother who I am hoping to grow closer to this year. And on top of all this, I have amazing friends, a rockin' job and everything I need to take care of my family.

True, 2007 wasn't the easiest year, but it was an important year. Many lessons were learned and the same mistakes, grieving and life issues will hopefully not be experienced again. I look forward to 2008 and know it will be a memorable year for our boys..and for me.

Here's to 2008 - cheers!

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