Sunday, June 22, 2008
Keagan's milestones...thus far.
Our baby won't be a baby for much longer! I never cease to be amazed by the milestones he is reaching on a daily basis. Even being born premature and having hearing loss doesn't seem to phase our little adventurer.
Here are some of Keagan's developments:
- First true word: mama. Second true word: Look. Third true word: Duck (btw, everything is a duck if it is walking on the ground). Other words: dah (dog), ma (more), vrrrr (car/bus), and da (dad), ball (ball & balloon).
- Runs almost everywhere he goes.
- Loves to climb. Has ZERO fear.
- Thinks he is old enough to ride a bike. He loves to sit on Kynton's hand me down and can even reach the pedals!
- Loves, loves, loves Addison and Sage. He greets Addie every morning with a big hug, a pat and sometimes even a kiss.
- Goes to the refrigerator and brings us milk and a cup when he is thirsty :)
- Antagonizes Kynton frequently with wrestling.
- Has really begun to throw temper tantrums and even hits when he is angry.
- Loves to play with his brother, go for walks, play in the sprinklers.
- Really enjoys water. I can't wait until his tubes are removed and he can start going swimming.
Massive update: Kynton, first.

Kynton has reached massive milestones in the past year, here are the ones I can remember now. Fingers crossed I can recall them all; if not now, at some point.
- Started his first year of preschool at Hillside. Grew amazing amounts both emotionally and on an educational basis. His growth was noted by his teacher, Mrs. Birch and her assistant, Mr. Cortez. He loved his friends and was a great friend in return.
- Can almost count to 100. Naturally, a few numbers are in the wrong order, but for the most part, he is surprisingly accurate.
- The first child in his class to be able to spell his name without any dashed lines to offer assistance. Amazing!
- Can head a soccer ball and score a goal against a grown man.
- Throws and catches a football like a real pro.
- Begins gymnastics and earns his first real trophy. (picture and video to follow)
- Learns empathy and shows it daily with his little brother, Keagan.
- Is introduced to Noggin and quickly becomes absolutely addicted to Max & Ruby. (Sing it with me: Max & Ruby, Ruby and Max!)
- Says goodbye to his two teachers at the Village: Kristen and Autumn. Learns to say hello to new faces.
- Begins to understand death, heaven and God.
- Consistently asks questions. He's curious about everything and wants to know how everything works.
- Gives up naps!
- Loves, loves, loves to read. Enjoys his time at the library and participating in story time.
- Begins to dress himself, bathe himself and brush his teeth. He's really growing up!
- Language is really improving. He has corrected himself from saying "I can't know" and now says "I don't know" :)
- Overall verbal skills are improving, especially his annunciation and diction.
Pictures and videos of some of these milestones to follow. Wow, I sure do love that boy! Although his massive amounts of energy can often times prove to by trying for this tired mama....
Apologies from a mom to a little boy.
Kynton has become a beautiful little boy. I actually crafted this email to him while on a flight from Portland to Chicago at 6 am this morning. I wanted to capture for him how much he means to me and I feel like this does not give my feelings true justice. But, I needed to say sorry to him. Sorry for losing control. Sorry for not acting as the adult and losing my cool. And all over a clogged toilet. Geez, he's four years old. Of course he's going to see how many Kandoo flushable wipes fit into the toilet bowl. Who wouldn't?!? But unfortunately, Kendel and I couldn't see it through his eyes. We couldn't place ourselves in a four-year-old's shoes -- and we lost it. So, rather than saying a happy goodbye, we said a tearful one.
I honestly hope he forgets this episode and it isn't a memory he'll draw upon at a later date.
Here's my attempt at making peace via an email sent to my mom to share with him:
K is for Kynton: Kute, Krazy, Komical, Klever and Karing. Silly mommy all those words start with C, not K! :) K is for my little knight in shining armor.
Y is for Yellow. Your personality is like a shining, yellow ball of fire -- like the sun. Everything you do fills me with bright, yellow, happiness -- just like the sun does for the flowers. You are the light of my life shining a bright, yellow, happy light all the time.
N is for Never. You are amazing and your excitement for life is breathtaking. You go, go, go, never needing a moment's rest. I never cease to be amazed by your energy and strength and all the amazing things you can accomplish with your little body. You never doubt your ability to do something and I'm constantly impressed by your willingness to tackle life with a smile on your face.
T is for Terrific. You live life to the fullest, always. You make every day interesting, fun and terrific. You're a terrific son, brother, friend and person!
O is for Outgoing. I've never met a little boy with a more outgoing and fun personality. Everyone wants to be your friend because you are so much fun to be around. Thank you for being my best friend!
N is for Nice. You are such a nice, loving, caring boy. You are nice to everyone you meet. I love how you treat everyone like they are your friend, especially your little brother. You are the nicest boy I have ever met!
Kynton, please know how much I love you. I'm sorry we went our separate ways last night with such sadness and anger. I was very frustrated with the way the day went, but please don't ever question how much I love and care for you. I can't imagine what my life would be without you and I thank God every day for bringing you into the world and placing you in my arms.
I hope you enjoy your special time with Daddy, Keagan and Oma and Opa while I'm gone. I'll miss you a lot, but I know you'll have a wonderful time.
I love you, Kynton. I hope you have a wonderful day and it won't be long before I'm home with you again.
I honestly hope he forgets this episode and it isn't a memory he'll draw upon at a later date.
Here's my attempt at making peace via an email sent to my mom to share with him:
K is for Kynton: Kute, Krazy, Komical, Klever and Karing. Silly mommy all those words start with C, not K! :) K is for my little knight in shining armor.
Y is for Yellow. Your personality is like a shining, yellow ball of fire -- like the sun. Everything you do fills me with bright, yellow, happiness -- just like the sun does for the flowers. You are the light of my life shining a bright, yellow, happy light all the time.
N is for Never. You are amazing and your excitement for life is breathtaking. You go, go, go, never needing a moment's rest. I never cease to be amazed by your energy and strength and all the amazing things you can accomplish with your little body. You never doubt your ability to do something and I'm constantly impressed by your willingness to tackle life with a smile on your face.
T is for Terrific. You live life to the fullest, always. You make every day interesting, fun and terrific. You're a terrific son, brother, friend and person!
O is for Outgoing. I've never met a little boy with a more outgoing and fun personality. Everyone wants to be your friend because you are so much fun to be around. Thank you for being my best friend!
N is for Nice. You are such a nice, loving, caring boy. You are nice to everyone you meet. I love how you treat everyone like they are your friend, especially your little brother. You are the nicest boy I have ever met!
Kynton, please know how much I love you. I'm sorry we went our separate ways last night with such sadness and anger. I was very frustrated with the way the day went, but please don't ever question how much I love and care for you. I can't imagine what my life would be without you and I thank God every day for bringing you into the world and placing you in my arms.
I hope you enjoy your special time with Daddy, Keagan and Oma and Opa while I'm gone. I'll miss you a lot, but I know you'll have a wonderful time.
I love you, Kynton. I hope you have a wonderful day and it won't be long before I'm home with you again.
I'm going to get serious about this.
My intentions over a year ago were good. But why was I unable to blog for over 17 months? Missing massive milestones in both Kynton and Keagan's lives? It requires a great deal of self reflection to understand why I have time for the much more irrelevant things, but not time to offer insight into my little boys lives.
Regardless of the reason, I've approached my mid-year resolution - to blog more about the Schnoor boys! I must do it. Or I will regret it greatly. I will long for these little tidbits of life that will go forgotten if not recorded.
I must try again. Not to give up because I failed the first time. And I vow not to fail again. The story of the Schnoor boys must be told; and who better to do it than me?
Regardless of the reason, I've approached my mid-year resolution - to blog more about the Schnoor boys! I must do it. Or I will regret it greatly. I will long for these little tidbits of life that will go forgotten if not recorded.
I must try again. Not to give up because I failed the first time. And I vow not to fail again. The story of the Schnoor boys must be told; and who better to do it than me?
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